Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Books are back from the printer!

I got my advance copies of WAHOO MORRIS Book 1 from the printer today, and I must say they look as good as I'd hoped they would. I was a little worried that the lettering would be a little too small, but it all looks good.

In a few days I should be getting the bulk of the books (about 25-35 boxes) from the printer. I'll be using comic boxes as furniture for awhile!

As soon as the book hits store shelves, I'll be putting it up for sale on the Too Hip Gotta Go Graphics website store.

Watch this space...


Blogger Von Allan said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing this at SPX. We're at table W11. What's your table?

11:45 AM  
Blogger cat said...

I'm at G4, sitting behind Two Morrows, and a few tables down from Scott Morse, AdHouse Books, and Scott McCloud.

Hopefully I get the books in time to ship them down!

6:49 AM  

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